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Complete the sentences using the correct form of to have something done. How often ___ you ___ your windows ___? (clean) The police ___ the woods ___ for the missing child yesterday. (search) We ___ the television ___ only last year! (repair) Have you ____ that photo I bought you ___ yet? (frame) The house is a mess at the moment. We ___ a new kitchen ___ in. (put) Janet ___ the room ___ next month. (decorate) David ___ his suits ___ at the dry cleaner's in town. (clean) We ___ new windows ___ because it was too expensive. (not/put in) We ___ the office ___ every evening. (clean) They ___ their books ___ in Paris. (printed)

Szkoła: Liceum/Technikum | Przedmiot: Inne

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Katarzyna Zarzecka
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Zainteresowana ekologią i edukacją na temat ochrony środowiska. Stara się wprowadzać swoich uczniów w te tematy i edukować ich na temat sposobów, w jakie można chronić naszą planetę.

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Complete the sentences using the correct form of to have something done. How often ___ you ___ your windows ___? (clean) The police ___ the woods ___ for the missing child yesterday. (search) We ___ the television ___ only last year! (repair) Have you ____ that photo I bought you ___ yet? (frame) The house is a mess at the moment. We ___ a new kitchen ___ in. (put) Janet ___ the room ___ next month. (decorate) David ___ his suits ___ at the dry cleaner's in town. (clean) We ___ new windows ___ because it was too expensive. (not/put in) We ___ the office ___ every evening. (clean) They ___ their books ___ in Paris. (printed)

jest Katarzyna Zarzecka. To zadanie dotyczy przedmiotu Inne dla podstawy programowej w Liceum/Technikum

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