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Look up the meanings of the words in the box m. Complete the text using the words. Change the form of a word if necessary. [mortgage, rent, repayment, property, landlady, tenant, estate agent, evict, repossess] I’m a twenty-seven-year-old university graduate. I’ve got quite a good job and I live in a rented flat. But I’m tired of being a … 1. The … 2 is really high and I’m fed up with living in a space decorated according to my … 3 ’s taste! I’d really like a place of my own. I catch myself walking past the windows of … 4 and gazing longingly at their offers. I’ve got some savings, but obviously not enough to buy a … 5 for cash. Is it safe to borrow the money?  If you’re got a reasonably stable job, taking out a … 6 would be the natural choice. The bank will decide how much they can confidently lend you, but you have to do some thinking too. Supposing your financial situation doesn’t remain as good as you hope, will you still be able to keep up the … 7? You have to be aware that if you don’t, the bank may … 8 the property. It’s better to choose a smaller flat, which you can comfortably afford, than to spend years worrying that you may be … 9. Make a wise choice and enjoy your new place!

Szkoła: Liceum/Technikum | Przedmiot: Inne

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Zuzanna Kotak
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Organizuje zajęcia, podczas których uczniowie pracują w grupach i rozwiązują zadania razem. Taki sposób pracy pozwala na lepsze zaangażowanie uczniów i pozwala na wykorzystanie ich różnorodnych umiejętności i wiedzy.

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Autorem rozwiązania zadania

Look up the meanings of the words in the box m. Complete the text using the words. Change the form of a word if necessary. [mortgage, rent, repayment, property, landlady, tenant, estate agent, evict, repossess] I’m a twenty-seven-year-old university graduate. I’ve got quite a good job and I live in a rented flat. But I’m tired of being a … 1. The … 2 is really high and I’m fed up with living in a space decorated according to my … 3 ’s taste! I’d really like a place of my own. I catch myself walking past the windows of … 4 and gazing longingly at their offers. I’ve got some savings, but obviously not enough to buy a … 5 for cash. Is it safe to borrow the money?  If you’re got a reasonably stable job, taking out a … 6 would be the natural choice. The bank will decide how much they can confidently lend you, but you have to do some thinking too. Supposing your financial situation doesn’t remain as good as you hope, will you still be able to keep up the … 7? You have to be aware that if you don’t, the bank may … 8 the property. It’s better to choose a smaller flat, which you can comfortably afford, than to spend years worrying that you may be … 9. Make a wise choice and enjoy your new place!

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