<< Wróć do wszystkich pytań Inne

Match the sentence halves. 1. I’ve seen your message and 2. I’m sorry for not 3. Can I get back to you 4. He needs a response 5. Please prioritise this. It can’t 6. When do you think you’ll be able to 7. I can’t deal with it now. I’m 8. Let me know when you’ll get a chance a) returning your call sooner. b) to write up the report. c) by COB on Friday. d) will respond by tomorrow morning. e) by tomorrow afternoon? f) give me a definite answer? g) be delayed any further. h) overloaded at the moment.

Szkoła: Liceum/Technikum | Przedmiot: Inne

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Joanna Opolska
zobacz profil

Nauczyciel z wieloletnim stażem, w swojej pracy stosuje indywidualne podejście do każdego ucznia, dostosowując swoje metody nauczania do jego potrzeb i umiejętności.

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Autorem rozwiązania zadania

Match the sentence halves. 1. I’ve seen your message and 2. I’m sorry for not 3. Can I get back to you 4. He needs a response 5. Please prioritise this. It can’t 6. When do you think you’ll be able to 7. I can’t deal with it now. I’m 8. Let me know when you’ll get a chance a) returning your call sooner. b) to write up the report. c) by COB on Friday. d) will respond by tomorrow morning. e) by tomorrow afternoon? f) give me a definite answer? g) be delayed any further. h) overloaded at the moment.

jest Joanna Opolska. To zadanie dotyczy przedmiotu Inne dla podstawy programowej w Liceum/Technikum

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