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Change the sentences into the passive voice. The taxi driver drove us to the airport. Many people have seen a UFO in this area. Have they watered the plants? Someone stole my purse while I was doing the shopping. The secretary has already sent all the documents to Mr. Smith. They have offered Michael an excellent job in a British company. The police could arrest the bank robbers when they were crossing the border. Someone has used the computer without permission. My grandmother is baking a delicious cake. The maid was cleaning my hotel room when I came in.

Szkoła: Liceum/Technikum | Przedmiot: Inne

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Paulina Mikuła
zobacz profil

Moją pasją jest fotografią, lubię robić zdjęcia w czasie swoich podróży i wypoczynku. Często wykorzystuje zdjęcia jako narzędzie dydaktyczne podczas swoich zajęć.

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Autorem rozwiązania zadania

Change the sentences into the passive voice. The taxi driver drove us to the airport. Many people have seen a UFO in this area. Have they watered the plants? Someone stole my purse while I was doing the shopping. The secretary has already sent all the documents to Mr. Smith. They have offered Michael an excellent job in a British company. The police could arrest the bank robbers when they were crossing the border. Someone has used the computer without permission. My grandmother is baking a delicious cake. The maid was cleaning my hotel room when I came in.

jest Paulina Mikuła. To zadanie dotyczy przedmiotu Inne dla podstawy programowej w Liceum/Technikum

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