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Complete the article using the words in the box. [always / at first / every day / now and then / recently / usually] Creative time management The topic of time management is not ...... considered to be creative. Although the original time management ideas came from assembly lines and involved fixed time frames to get work done, companies have ...... started to look for other ways to manage time. Of course, we all have routine tasks to work on ...... and these less interesting jobs can get in the way of our creative work. The important factor here is setting our priorities so that we can decide what we need to do in the available time. This might mean working at unusual times but there is no rule that says it is ...... necessary to take care of things by a certain time every day. ...... it might be necessary to put off a routine task and do something else for a time in order to have a fresh start. The idea of creative time management may seem strange to some people ......, but once they have tried it out, it becomes part of their normal work-life balance.

Szkoła: Liceum/Technikum | Przedmiot: Inne

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Paulina Mikuła
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Moją pasją jest fotografią, lubię robić zdjęcia w czasie swoich podróży i wypoczynku. Często wykorzystuje zdjęcia jako narzędzie dydaktyczne podczas swoich zajęć.

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Complete the article using the words in the box. [always / at first / every day / now and then / recently / usually] Creative time management The topic of time management is not ...... considered to be creative. Although the original time management ideas came from assembly lines and involved fixed time frames to get work done, companies have ...... started to look for other ways to manage time. Of course, we all have routine tasks to work on ...... and these less interesting jobs can get in the way of our creative work. The important factor here is setting our priorities so that we can decide what we need to do in the available time. This might mean working at unusual times but there is no rule that says it is ...... necessary to take care of things by a certain time every day. ...... it might be necessary to put off a routine task and do something else for a time in order to have a fresh start. The idea of creative time management may seem strange to some people ......, but once they have tried it out, it becomes part of their normal work-life balance.

jest Paulina Mikuła. To zadanie dotyczy przedmiotu Inne dla podstawy programowej w Liceum/Technikum

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