Wybór strony:

Match the sentences to the words in Ex 3.

1 In 1066,William of Normandy defeated the English army and became king of England.

2 In Spain, between 1936 and 1939,there was a conflict between republicans and nationalists which ended in a military dictatorship.

3 The thirteenth amendment to the United States constitution brought an end to slavery in 1865.

4Although the names are different,there are many similarities between the stories about the ancient gods of Greece and Rome.

5 In a film starring Russell Cowe, a Roman general was captured and forced to fight in public as entertainment for the wealthy.

6 Manassas, Shiloh and Antietam are all places in the US where the Union and Confederate armies fought each other.

7 Perhaps the most famous military castle and royal palace in Britain is the Tower of London.

8 In the 11th century, many soldiers from Europe made a dangerous journey to the Middle East to try to recapture Jerusalem, inspired by their Christian faith.

9 In 1944, the Polish Home Army began an armed struggle to liberate Warsaw from German control.

10 A famous book written in the 9th century tells the history of theAnglo-Saxon people of north-west Europe.

ViSiON 5. Workbook Ćwiczenie 4 strona 120

1 In 1066, William of Normandy defeated the English army
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Zadanie o treści:

Match the sentences to the words in Ex 3.

1 In 1066,William of Normandy defeated the English army and became king of England.

2 In Spain, between 1936 and 1939,there was a conflict between republicans and nationalists which ended in a military dictatorship.

3 The thirteenth amendment to the United States constitution brought an end to slavery in 1865.

4Although the names are different,there are many similarities between the stories about the ancient gods of Greece and Rome.

5 In a film starring Russell Cowe, a Roman general was captured and forced to fight in public as entertainment for the wealthy.

6 Manassas, Shiloh and Antietam are all places in the US where the Union and Confederate armies fought each other.

7 Perhaps the most famous military castle and royal palace in Britain is the Tower of London.

8 In the 11th century, many soldiers from Europe made a dangerous journey to the Middle East to try to recapture Jerusalem, inspired by their Christian faith.

9 In 1944, the Polish Home Army began an armed struggle to liberate Warsaw from German control.

10 A famous book written in the 9th century tells the history of theAnglo-Saxon people of north-west Europe.

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Zuzanna Mitko
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Nauczyciel języka angielskiego klas I - IV LO / Technikum Moim celem jest pomóc każdemu uczniowi w rozwijaniu jego umiejętności językowych oraz rozwijaniu zainteresowań kulturą anglojęzyczną.

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Kate Haywood, Neil Wood



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