Wybór strony:

Complete the vlog script with the words and phrases in Ex 1.

I've just got home from the mountain city of Machu Picchu in Peru. As I'm sure you know, it's a UNESCO World Heritage site that 1... the 15th century. It was built by the Inca people in the pre-colonial 2... before the Spanish conquistadores arrived in the 1530s. That invasion led to the 3... Fall of the Inca Empire and to Peru becoming a colony of Spain. When you get there, it's like you're suddenly back 4... past-but you're surrounded by 21st-century tourists. It feels like being in two time zones 5....The site has been partly restored; the original building work is amazing and it's difficult to see how even 6.... craftsmen could construct anything like it in such a remote location. Machu Picchu was formally discovered by an American, Hiram Bingham, in 1911 and 7... became a protected site, but there have been a lot of plans for tourism development. Because of this, UNESCO is considering putting Machu Picchu on its list of endangered sites 8...

ViSiON 5. Workbook Ćwiczenie 2 strona 120

I’ve just got home from the mountain city of Machu
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Zadanie o treści:

Complete the vlog script with the words and phrases in Ex 1.

I've just got home from the mountain city of Machu Picchu in Peru. As I'm sure you know, it's a UNESCO World Heritage site that 1... the 15th century. It was built by the Inca people in the pre-colonial 2... before the Spanish conquistadores arrived in the 1530s. That invasion led to the 3... Fall of the Inca Empire and to Peru becoming a colony of Spain. When you get there, it's like you're suddenly back 4... past-but you're surrounded by 21st-century tourists. It feels like being in two time zones 5....The site has been partly restored; the original building work is amazing and it's difficult to see how even 6.... craftsmen could construct anything like it in such a remote location. Machu Picchu was formally discovered by an American, Hiram Bingham, in 1911 and 7... became a protected site, but there have been a lot of plans for tourism development. Because of this, UNESCO is considering putting Machu Picchu on its list of endangered sites 8...

jest zadaniem numer 348558 ze wszystkich rozwiązanych w naszym serwisie zadań i pochodzi z książki o tytule ViSiON 5. Workbook, która została wydana w roku 2020.

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Zuzanna Mitko
zobacz profil

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego klas I - IV LO / Technikum Moim celem jest pomóc każdemu uczniowi w rozwijaniu jego umiejętności językowych oraz rozwijaniu zainteresowań kulturą anglojęzyczną.

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Zuzanna Mitko posiada 1400 rozwiązanych zadań w naszym serwisie

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Kate Haywood, Neil Wood



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