Wybór strony:

 Complete gaps 1-4. Use only one word in each gap.

My father is a consultant specialising in mediation, which means that he gets called in to a company when, for example, there is a big disagreement between the managers and the workers and relationships are in danger of breaking down. In that kind of situation, his role 1... and foremost, is to get the two sides to agree to talk to him separately about how they feel. Both sides will tend to see things in black and 2... and will only look at things from their own perspective. The next step is to try and work out what everyone's priorities are-some points are non-negotiable, but there are always some areas where there is a bit of give and 3... .By this stage,the fact that negotiations are under way can help to defuse tension, and the opposing sides can be brought together little by, 4..., discussing some of the suggestions that have been put forward, even if they don't yet meet in face to face talks.

ViSiON 5. Workbook Ćwiczenie 3 strona 57

My father is a consultant specialising in mediation, which means
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Zadanie o treści:

 Complete gaps 1-4. Use only one word in each gap.

My father is a consultant specialising in mediation, which means that he gets called in to a company when, for example, there is a big disagreement between the managers and the workers and relationships are in danger of breaking down. In that kind of situation, his role 1... and foremost, is to get the two sides to agree to talk to him separately about how they feel. Both sides will tend to see things in black and 2... and will only look at things from their own perspective. The next step is to try and work out what everyone's priorities are-some points are non-negotiable, but there are always some areas where there is a bit of give and 3... .By this stage,the fact that negotiations are under way can help to defuse tension, and the opposing sides can be brought together little by, 4..., discussing some of the suggestions that have been put forward, even if they don't yet meet in face to face talks.

jest zadaniem numer 348217 ze wszystkich rozwiązanych w naszym serwisie zadań i pochodzi z książki o tytule ViSiON 5. Workbook, która została wydana w roku 2020.

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Rozwiązanie tego zadania przygotował nauczyciel

Zuzanna Mitko
zobacz profil

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego klas I - IV LO / Technikum Moim celem jest pomóc każdemu uczniowi w rozwijaniu jego umiejętności językowych oraz rozwijaniu zainteresowań kulturą anglojęzyczną.

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Zuzanna Mitko posiada 1400 rozwiązanych zadań w naszym serwisie

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Kate Haywood, Neil Wood



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