Wybór strony:

Read the magazine article and choose the correct narrative tense.

Basketball -the modest roots of a global passion!

In December 1891,the leader of sports at the YMCA school in Springfield, Massachusetts,was worried that the students weren't getting enough exercise because the weather 1had been/used to be too bad to do sport outside. He asked his colleague, James Naismith, to invent a game the students could play inside. Naismith remembered a game he had enjoyed as a child with his friends. They 2had thrown/used to throw rocks at a target. This was Naismith's starting point.

Naismith's first basketball game was different to the sport we know today. He 3fixed/had fixed two peach baskets three metres above the ground. The peach baskets didn't have a hole in them, so it 4was/had been difficult for the players to get the ball back once it had been thrown in. However, the very first game resulted in a score of1-0, so this wasn't a big problem!

The baskets weren't the only thing that shad 5been/used to be different. The very first game was played with two teams of nine players on court, rather than five as we have today. This was simply because Naismith had eighteen students in his class. An even more significant difference in the first games was that players didn't use to be able to move with the ball. Instead, they 6had/had had to throw the ball to a team-mate.

The game quickly became very popular. Throughout the decade following Naismith's first game, professional leagues and college teams'were 7created/had been created in the USA. In 1904, basketball became a demonstration sport at the Olympics and it was included as an Olympic sport for the first time in 1936. Naismith was still alive to see how much his spor 8developed/had developed from its very humble beginning.

ViSiON 5. Workbook Ćwiczenie 2 strona 5

In December 1891, the leader of sports at the YMCA
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Read the magazine article and choose the correct narrative tense.

Basketball -the modest roots of a global passion!

In December 1891,the leader of sports at the YMCA school in Springfield, Massachusetts,was worried that the students weren't getting enough exercise because the weather 1had been/used to be too bad to do sport outside. He asked his colleague, James Naismith, to invent a game the students could play inside. Naismith remembered a game he had enjoyed as a child with his friends. They 2had thrown/used to throw rocks at a target. This was Naismith's starting point.

Naismith's first basketball game was different to the sport we know today. He 3fixed/had fixed two peach baskets three metres above the ground. The peach baskets didn't have a hole in them, so it 4was/had been difficult for the players to get the ball back once it had been thrown in. However, the very first game resulted in a score of1-0, so this wasn't a big problem!

The baskets weren't the only thing that shad 5been/used to be different. The very first game was played with two teams of nine players on court, rather than five as we have today. This was simply because Naismith had eighteen students in his class. An even more significant difference in the first games was that players didn't use to be able to move with the ball. Instead, they 6had/had had to throw the ball to a team-mate.

The game quickly became very popular. Throughout the decade following Naismith's first game, professional leagues and college teams'were 7created/had been created in the USA. In 1904, basketball became a demonstration sport at the Olympics and it was included as an Olympic sport for the first time in 1936. Naismith was still alive to see how much his spor 8developed/had developed from its very humble beginning.

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Zuzanna Mitko
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Nauczyciel języka angielskiego klas I - IV LO / Technikum Moim celem jest pomóc każdemu uczniowi w rozwijaniu jego umiejętności językowych oraz rozwijaniu zainteresowań kulturą anglojęzyczną.

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Kate Haywood, Neil Wood



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