Wybór strony:

You will hear an interview about Chicano English. Choose the correct answer:A, B, C or D.

1 According to Betty Martin, where is Chicano most widely spoken?

A In Mexico,south of the border with the USA.

B In English-speaking countries such as India.

C In the south-western states of the USA.

D In England, along with 30 other dialects.

2 What is the best description of what Chicano is?

A A version of English spoken by Mexicans who have just arrived in the USA.

B A version of English spoken by people whose native language is Spanish.

C A version of English spoken in Mexico.

D A version of English learned by speakers who heard some Spanish when they were growing up.

3 Which is TRUE about Chicano?

A Parents want to teach it to their children.

B It has elements of Spanish grammar.

C It is usually spoken by older generations.

D It is spoken by people who are learning English

4 What might someone who hears Chicano notice?

A The speaker switches to Spanish easily.

B It's hard for English speakers to understand.

C The speaker has a strong Spanish accent.

D That the speakers aren't confident in English.

5 Answering the last question, what does BettyMartin suggest about the English language?

A It constantly changes with new influences.

B She doesn't like the fact that it is changed bynon-native speakers.

C Standard American English will soon becompletely replaced by newer versions.

D It's impossible to study it because of the different varieties.

ViSiON 5. Workbook Ćwiczenie 2 - 4.8 strona 55

According to Betty Martin, where is Chicano most widely spoken?Correct
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You will hear an interview about Chicano English. Choose the correct answer:A, B, C or D.

1 According to Betty Martin, where is Chicano most widely spoken?

A In Mexico,south of the border with the USA.

B In English-speaking countries such as India.

C In the south-western states of the USA.

D In England, along with 30 other dialects.

2 What is the best description of what Chicano is?

A A version of English spoken by Mexicans who have just arrived in the USA.

B A version of English spoken by people whose native language is Spanish.

C A version of English spoken in Mexico.

D A version of English learned by speakers who heard some Spanish when they were growing up.

3 Which is TRUE about Chicano?

A Parents want to teach it to their children.

B It has elements of Spanish grammar.

C It is usually spoken by older generations.

D It is spoken by people who are learning English

4 What might someone who hears Chicano notice?

A The speaker switches to Spanish easily.

B It's hard for English speakers to understand.

C The speaker has a strong Spanish accent.

D That the speakers aren't confident in English.

5 Answering the last question, what does BettyMartin suggest about the English language?

A It constantly changes with new influences.

B She doesn't like the fact that it is changed bynon-native speakers.

C Standard American English will soon becompletely replaced by newer versions.

D It's impossible to study it because of the different varieties.

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