Wybór strony:

Choose the correct alternative.

1 The two political groups had a similar number of votes,so there was a balance of power/low turnout.

2 Let's organise an opposition party/exit poll so that we can have a first indication of how people voted before the official count is done.

3 There were a lot of registered/floating voters, so we couldn't predict which political party was likely to win.

4 The two parties are going to form a coalition/ seek a mandate because neither have enough power to govern by themselves.

5 Last year's election had an exit poll / a low turnout, so next time there's an election we're going to try to get more public engagement.

6 The minister will win by a landslide/maintain control over the schools and universities.

7 The balance of power/opposition party is keen to challenge the government on the issue.

8 Can we use schools as polling stations/ floating voters in the next election?

9 There aren't many opposition parties/registered voters in the city, so newspaper adverts were produced to encourage more people to sign up.

10 We should seek a mandate/maintain control to find out who supports the ideas before we change the law.

11 This community has benefited from the social reforms/exit poll because now more people have access to better social care.

12 The political party won by a landslide/ sought a mandate when over three-quarters of voters voted for them.

ViSiON 5. Workbook Ćwiczenie 2 strona 118

1 The two political groups had a similar number of
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Zadanie o treści:

Choose the correct alternative.

1 The two political groups had a similar number of votes,so there was a balance of power/low turnout.

2 Let's organise an opposition party/exit poll so that we can have a first indication of how people voted before the official count is done.

3 There were a lot of registered/floating voters, so we couldn't predict which political party was likely to win.

4 The two parties are going to form a coalition/ seek a mandate because neither have enough power to govern by themselves.

5 Last year's election had an exit poll / a low turnout, so next time there's an election we're going to try to get more public engagement.

6 The minister will win by a landslide/maintain control over the schools and universities.

7 The balance of power/opposition party is keen to challenge the government on the issue.

8 Can we use schools as polling stations/ floating voters in the next election?

9 There aren't many opposition parties/registered voters in the city, so newspaper adverts were produced to encourage more people to sign up.

10 We should seek a mandate/maintain control to find out who supports the ideas before we change the law.

11 This community has benefited from the social reforms/exit poll because now more people have access to better social care.

12 The political party won by a landslide/ sought a mandate when over three-quarters of voters voted for them.

jest zadaniem numer 348548 ze wszystkich rozwiązanych w naszym serwisie zadań i pochodzi z książki o tytule ViSiON 5. Workbook, która została wydana w roku 2020.

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Rozwiązanie tego zadania przygotował nauczyciel

Zuzanna Mitko
zobacz profil

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego klas I - IV LO / Technikum Moim celem jest pomóc każdemu uczniowi w rozwijaniu jego umiejętności językowych oraz rozwijaniu zainteresowań kulturą anglojęzyczną.

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Zuzanna Mitko posiada 1400 rozwiązanych zadań w naszym serwisie

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Kate Haywood, Neil Wood



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