Wybór strony:

Match the phrases in the Phrasebook to the gaps in the script. There is one you do not need.

A are you with me?

B obviously,I'm referring to...

Cif you're wondering why, it's because...

D what I'm trying to say is ...

E the thing is...

F the main reason for this is...

G by this I mean ...

H can you appreciate my position?

Suzy Hi ,Bill. You wanted to speak to me?

Bill Hi, Suzy, come in. This isn't easy,  but 1... I have to let you go. I'm sorry.

Suzy I don't understand.I thought I was doing OK.

Bill 2... despite all the training,you're really not a very good waitress. 3... your attitude to the customers. You often get the orders wrong, you forget things, you never remember who ordered what dish...I need to be sure you understand. 4...

Suzy Yes, I am, but..

Bill And when customers complain,you're often rude. We've had a few bad reviews online and I can't afford that kind of bad publicity. 5...

Suzy I suppose I can.

Bill Look it's not just the serving side. You don't have a very good attitude to work generally. 6... you don't think about the business,or your co-workers.You arrive late,you take unscheduled breaks, sometimes you leave early without helping to clean up. No one will give you a job if you behave like that. Look, 7... if you want to work in this business, any business, you need to get a more professional attitude..

ViSiON 5. Workbook Ćwiczenie 3a strona 87

Suzy: Hi, Bill. You wanted to speak to me?Bill: Hi,
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Zadanie o treści:

Match the phrases in the Phrasebook to the gaps in the script. There is one you do not need.

A are you with me?

B obviously,I'm referring to...

Cif you're wondering why, it's because...

D what I'm trying to say is ...

E the thing is...

F the main reason for this is...

G by this I mean ...

H can you appreciate my position?

Suzy Hi ,Bill. You wanted to speak to me?

Bill Hi, Suzy, come in. This isn't easy,  but 1... I have to let you go. I'm sorry.

Suzy I don't understand.I thought I was doing OK.

Bill 2... despite all the training,you're really not a very good waitress. 3... your attitude to the customers. You often get the orders wrong, you forget things, you never remember who ordered what dish...I need to be sure you understand. 4...

Suzy Yes, I am, but..

Bill And when customers complain,you're often rude. We've had a few bad reviews online and I can't afford that kind of bad publicity. 5...

Suzy I suppose I can.

Bill Look it's not just the serving side. You don't have a very good attitude to work generally. 6... you don't think about the business,or your co-workers.You arrive late,you take unscheduled breaks, sometimes you leave early without helping to clean up. No one will give you a job if you behave like that. Look, 7... if you want to work in this business, any business, you need to get a more professional attitude..

jest zadaniem numer 348380 ze wszystkich rozwiązanych w naszym serwisie zadań i pochodzi z książki o tytule ViSiON 5. Workbook, która została wydana w roku 2020.

Zadanie zweryfikowane przez pracownika serwisu

Rozwiązanie tego zadania przygotował nauczyciel

Zuzanna Mitko
zobacz profil

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego klas I - IV LO / Technikum Moim celem jest pomóc każdemu uczniowi w rozwijaniu jego umiejętności językowych oraz rozwijaniu zainteresowań kulturą anglojęzyczną.

Czy wiesz, że?

Zuzanna Mitko posiada 1400 rozwiązanych zadań w naszym serwisie

Informacje o książce:

Rok wydania





Kate Haywood, Neil Wood



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