Wybór strony:

Complete each pair of sentences with the same answer A-C.

Would you A if I closed the window? It's pretty cold in here.

Regular yoga and meditation can give you real peace of A

A mind B like C think

1 When you reach the... of no return,you can never go back!

We need one more... to win the match. Come on The Blues!

A score B point C goal

2 How did you... Gosia into going jogging with you at 6a.m.?

Mr Brown wants to... to me about missing too many training sessions.

A speak B talk C chat

3 My grandfather was a great athlete and I really... up to him and his achievements in sport.

Oh,... ! Isn't that Boris Becker, the ex-Wimbledon champion?

A see B watch C look

4 Barry has always wanted to... out bowling, so he's looking forward to tonight's game.

Where can I... on this tracksuit to see if it fits me?

A try B go C put

5 Henrikson has had to... out of the race after pulling a muscle in his leg.

Please, be careful with that expensive trophy. Don't... it!

A fall B break C drop

Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook Ćwiczenie 7 strona 31

When you reach the point of no return, you can never go
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Nie znalazłeś odpowiedzi?

Zadaj pytanie tutaj i otrzymaj rozwiazanie w kilka sekund!

Jak oceniasz rozwiązanie tego zadania przez nauczyciela?

Nie oceniono tego zadania! Bądź pierwszy!

Warto wiedzieć

Zadanie o treści:

Complete each pair of sentences with the same answer A-C.

Would you A if I closed the window? It's pretty cold in here.

Regular yoga and meditation can give you real peace of A

A mind B like C think

1 When you reach the... of no return,you can never go back!

We need one more... to win the match. Come on The Blues!

A score B point C goal

2 How did you... Gosia into going jogging with you at 6a.m.?

Mr Brown wants to... to me about missing too many training sessions.

A speak B talk C chat

3 My grandfather was a great athlete and I really... up to him and his achievements in sport.

Oh,... ! Isn't that Boris Becker, the ex-Wimbledon champion?

A see B watch C look

4 Barry has always wanted to... out bowling, so he's looking forward to tonight's game.

Where can I... on this tracksuit to see if it fits me?

A try B go C put

5 Henrikson has had to... out of the race after pulling a muscle in his leg.

Please, be careful with that expensive trophy. Don't... it!

A fall B break C drop

jest zadaniem numer 348772 ze wszystkich rozwiązanych w naszym serwisie zadań i pochodzi z książki o tytule Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook, która została wydana w roku 2019.

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Mateusz Ziołek
zobacz profil

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego I - IV LO / Technikum Jego zajęcia charakteryzują się dużą interaktywnością i angażują uczniów do aktywnego uczestnictwa w procesie nauczania. Mateusz skupia się na rozwijaniu umiejętności językowych swoich uczniów, takich jak mówienie, słuchanie, czytanie oraz pisanie.

Czy wiesz, że?

Mateusz Ziołek posiada 1422 rozwiązanych zadań w naszym serwisie

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Daniel Brayshaw, Dean Russell



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