Wybór strony:

 Complete each pair of sentences with the same word.

Oh no, my favourite faded jeans have got a hole in the knee.

The pages in this book are faded and I can't read the text very well.

1Are ankle-length trousers really back... fashion?

Abe's really not that interested... going shopping for clothes.

2I love your... -purpose boots. Where did you buy them?

Google is a... -national company that employs people worldwide.

3 I wish these shorts were... -drying. I want to wear them now.

I think.... fashion is a waste of money.

4 Those.... boots look cool .Just like what the Beatles used to wear!

I was playing football and got kicked on the... -it really hurts.

5 I don't know how you can walk in.... heels.

The prices in this second-hand store are quite.... 

Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook Ćwiczenie 10 strona 17

Are ankle-length trousers really back in fashion? Abe’s really not
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Zadanie o treści:

 Complete each pair of sentences with the same word.

Oh no, my favourite faded jeans have got a hole in the knee.

The pages in this book are faded and I can't read the text very well.

1Are ankle-length trousers really back... fashion?

Abe's really not that interested... going shopping for clothes.

2I love your... -purpose boots. Where did you buy them?

Google is a... -national company that employs people worldwide.

3 I wish these shorts were... -drying. I want to wear them now.

I think.... fashion is a waste of money.

4 Those.... boots look cool .Just like what the Beatles used to wear!

I was playing football and got kicked on the... -it really hurts.

5 I don't know how you can walk in.... heels.

The prices in this second-hand store are quite.... 

jest zadaniem numer 348709 ze wszystkich rozwiązanych w naszym serwisie zadań i pochodzi z książki o tytule Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook, która została wydana w roku 2019.

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Mateusz Ziołek
zobacz profil

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego I - IV LO / Technikum Jego zajęcia charakteryzują się dużą interaktywnością i angażują uczniów do aktywnego uczestnictwa w procesie nauczania. Mateusz skupia się na rozwijaniu umiejętności językowych swoich uczniów, takich jak mówienie, słuchanie, czytanie oraz pisanie.

Czy wiesz, że?

Mateusz Ziołek posiada 1422 rozwiązanych zadań w naszym serwisie

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Daniel Brayshaw, Dean Russell



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