Wybór strony:

Complete the interview extracts with words or phrases in Ex 1 and Ex 2.

Extract 1:

I Eva,would you say Sweden is a 1... society?

P Not really. I would say we are a very equal society. Most Swedes are not obsessed with their 2..., you know, whether they are superior to other people.

Are people interested in 3...?

P Yes, but it's mainly about finding out where your 4... came from. It's not to show that you're better than other people because you're from a 5... family and their family were 6.... or something like that. All that belongs in the distant past.

Extract 2:

I You've had a lot of immigration in recent years.

P Yes.Every time there is a crisis, like an 7... of war or political unrest, you get the 8... of a lot of people who need somewhere to go. In Sweden, we are always waiting for the next crisis.

I Like a global flu 9.... for example?

P Exactly. Or the problems caused by climate change.

I How has immigration changed things in Sweden?

P It has caused something of a 10... in recent years. Nowadays,you get people living in the same street,the same building,who come from very different cultures. But generally we have good 11... between communities. People want somewhere safe for their 12... to grow up in.

ViSiON 5. Workbook Ćwiczenie 3 strona 88

Extract 1:I: Eva, would you say Sweden is a 1
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Zadanie o treści:

Complete the interview extracts with words or phrases in Ex 1 and Ex 2.

Extract 1:

I Eva,would you say Sweden is a 1... society?

P Not really. I would say we are a very equal society. Most Swedes are not obsessed with their 2..., you know, whether they are superior to other people.

Are people interested in 3...?

P Yes, but it's mainly about finding out where your 4... came from. It's not to show that you're better than other people because you're from a 5... family and their family were 6.... or something like that. All that belongs in the distant past.

Extract 2:

I You've had a lot of immigration in recent years.

P Yes.Every time there is a crisis, like an 7... of war or political unrest, you get the 8... of a lot of people who need somewhere to go. In Sweden, we are always waiting for the next crisis.

I Like a global flu 9.... for example?

P Exactly. Or the problems caused by climate change.

I How has immigration changed things in Sweden?

P It has caused something of a 10... in recent years. Nowadays,you get people living in the same street,the same building,who come from very different cultures. But generally we have good 11... between communities. People want somewhere safe for their 12... to grow up in.

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Zuzanna Mitko
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Nauczyciel języka angielskiego klas I - IV LO / Technikum Moim celem jest pomóc każdemu uczniowi w rozwijaniu jego umiejętności językowych oraz rozwijaniu zainteresowań kulturą anglojęzyczną.

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