Wybór strony:

Complete the blog post with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

I'm a relationship counsellor, so I aim to help people have better relationships. A surprising amount of my recent work 1(focus)on young people. I think today's young people feel more pressure than their parents did because they are trying to find something as perfect as they see in the media. For example, as soon as you see that your friend 2(post) multiple images of a perfect relationship, it's easy to feel that you 3(fail) in some way. Young people contact me because they think their love life is a disaster. They tell me they 4(have)several relationships which 5(end) after a few weeks or months. They compare themselves to friends who 6(be) together for over a year. This isn't helpful! There's absolutely nothing wrong with a long relationship, but it's not the only way. Every relationship is different - some are short, some are long. You can't force something that was meant to be fun for a few weeks to become something which lasts a lifetime! As soon as you 7(accept) this, it's easier to see each relationship as an experience, rather than a disaster. Of course, there are things everyone can do to help a relationship. Young people have many demands on their time such as studying, friends, parents, as well as relationships. If you think your girlfriend or boyfriend is less interested in you, speak to them. 8(they/have) a lot of studying to do? Do they think you 9(spend) too much time together recently? Above all, don't look for perfection. It's the hardest thing to find because it doesn't exist!

ViSiON 5. Workbook Ćwiczenie 2 strona 4

I’m a relationship counsellor, so I aim to help people
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Zadanie o treści:

Complete the blog post with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

I'm a relationship counsellor, so I aim to help people have better relationships. A surprising amount of my recent work 1(focus)on young people. I think today's young people feel more pressure than their parents did because they are trying to find something as perfect as they see in the media. For example, as soon as you see that your friend 2(post) multiple images of a perfect relationship, it's easy to feel that you 3(fail) in some way. Young people contact me because they think their love life is a disaster. They tell me they 4(have)several relationships which 5(end) after a few weeks or months. They compare themselves to friends who 6(be) together for over a year. This isn't helpful! There's absolutely nothing wrong with a long relationship, but it's not the only way. Every relationship is different - some are short, some are long. You can't force something that was meant to be fun for a few weeks to become something which lasts a lifetime! As soon as you 7(accept) this, it's easier to see each relationship as an experience, rather than a disaster. Of course, there are things everyone can do to help a relationship. Young people have many demands on their time such as studying, friends, parents, as well as relationships. If you think your girlfriend or boyfriend is less interested in you, speak to them. 8(they/have) a lot of studying to do? Do they think you 9(spend) too much time together recently? Above all, don't look for perfection. It's the hardest thing to find because it doesn't exist!

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Zuzanna Mitko
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Nauczyciel języka angielskiego klas I - IV LO / Technikum Moim celem jest pomóc każdemu uczniowi w rozwijaniu jego umiejętności językowych oraz rozwijaniu zainteresowań kulturą anglojęzyczną.

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Kate Haywood, Neil Wood



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