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Complete the phrasal verbs in the blog post with the prepositions below.

away on out over through(x2) up(x3) with

Music and memory

1 I've been helping out at an old people's home recently, and I've been noticing something really interesting. There are some residents there with dementia whose memory has almost completely faded 1.... But when they're encouraged to sing along to old songs, they still seem to be able to recall the song words.

2 I decided to look into this a bit further and work 2... what exactly happens when our brains engage with music. First, music is an emotional experience, and emotions create strong memories. That's why we find it easy to remember song words, or what we were doing when we heard a song in the past. Second, music uses every area of the brain - cognitive,emotional and memory-so our musical experiences get stored deep in our 'memory bank'. 

3 There are ingenious ways, too, that we can use music to help us memorise things. If you have to get 3... some tricky exams,why not use familiar tunes to help you remember things you have studied? For example, if you need to remember a sequence of numbers, just brush 4... 5... your singing technique and keep singing the sequence over and over to a well-knowntune.The ready-made structure of the tune should help you to memorise the information. It might help you sail 6.... your next test-but try not to sing during the exam itself!

4 Lots of people believe that listening to music when they're studying can help them to pick 7... new skills or retain information. We learn and store things better if our brains are calm, and scientists have come 8... 9... the theory that listening to music is similar to meditation, clearing away 'rubbish' from the brain and leaving it open to new information. However, you need to be cautious if you try this method! Only instrumental music with no distracting lyrics works in this way, and if you're a trained musician your brain might keep analysing and going 10... the structure of the music instead of calming you!

ViSiON 5. Workbook Ćwiczenie 1 strona 14

I’ve been helping out at an old people’s home recently,
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Complete the phrasal verbs in the blog post with the prepositions below.

away on out over through(x2) up(x3) with

Music and memory

1 I've been helping out at an old people's home recently, and I've been noticing something really interesting. There are some residents there with dementia whose memory has almost completely faded 1.... But when they're encouraged to sing along to old songs, they still seem to be able to recall the song words.

2 I decided to look into this a bit further and work 2... what exactly happens when our brains engage with music. First, music is an emotional experience, and emotions create strong memories. That's why we find it easy to remember song words, or what we were doing when we heard a song in the past. Second, music uses every area of the brain - cognitive,emotional and memory-so our musical experiences get stored deep in our 'memory bank'. 

3 There are ingenious ways, too, that we can use music to help us memorise things. If you have to get 3... some tricky exams,why not use familiar tunes to help you remember things you have studied? For example, if you need to remember a sequence of numbers, just brush 4... 5... your singing technique and keep singing the sequence over and over to a well-knowntune.The ready-made structure of the tune should help you to memorise the information. It might help you sail 6.... your next test-but try not to sing during the exam itself!

4 Lots of people believe that listening to music when they're studying can help them to pick 7... new skills or retain information. We learn and store things better if our brains are calm, and scientists have come 8... 9... the theory that listening to music is similar to meditation, clearing away 'rubbish' from the brain and leaving it open to new information. However, you need to be cautious if you try this method! Only instrumental music with no distracting lyrics works in this way, and if you're a trained musician your brain might keep analysing and going 10... the structure of the music instead of calming you!

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Zuzanna Mitko
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Nauczyciel języka angielskiego klas I - IV LO / Technikum Moim celem jest pomóc każdemu uczniowi w rozwijaniu jego umiejętności językowych oraz rozwijaniu zainteresowań kulturą anglojęzyczną.

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Kate Haywood, Neil Wood



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