Wybór strony:

Usłyszysz wywiad z Heleną Watson, która prowadzi na uniwersytecie kurs Konflikt i mediacje.

Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź :A, B, C lub D.

1 Helena says that conflicts and disagreements...

A may be solved more easily with outside help.

B should always be worked out peacefully.

C happen when someone is treated unfairly.

D can be organised into three types.

2 Helena says that mediators in the ancient world...

A were the most respected members of their societies.

B encouraged people who were arguing to cooperate.

C made judgements that had to be accepted.

D developed the techniques we use today.

3 Helena says that, above all, a mediator needs to be good at...

A listening.

B offering sensible advice.

C understanding what they are told.

D analysing complicated situations.

4 The students who graduate from the course...

A have a good chance of becoming professional mediators.

B tend to apply for work in political organisations.

C find their skills are useful in a range of careers.

D leave with a network of useful contacts.

5 Helena's main purpose in giving the interview is to...

A suggest new ways of dealing with problems.

B explain the reasons for her choice of career.

C encourage more students to apply for the course.

D provide general information about her area of expertise.

ViSiON 4. Student's Book Ćwiczenie 4 strona 62

1 Helena says that conflicts and disagreements...A may be solved
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Zadanie o treści:

Usłyszysz wywiad z Heleną Watson, która prowadzi na uniwersytecie kurs Konflikt i mediacje.

Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź :A, B, C lub D.

1 Helena says that conflicts and disagreements...

A may be solved more easily with outside help.

B should always be worked out peacefully.

C happen when someone is treated unfairly.

D can be organised into three types.

2 Helena says that mediators in the ancient world...

A were the most respected members of their societies.

B encouraged people who were arguing to cooperate.

C made judgements that had to be accepted.

D developed the techniques we use today.

3 Helena says that, above all, a mediator needs to be good at...

A listening.

B offering sensible advice.

C understanding what they are told.

D analysing complicated situations.

4 The students who graduate from the course...

A have a good chance of becoming professional mediators.

B tend to apply for work in political organisations.

C find their skills are useful in a range of careers.

D leave with a network of useful contacts.

5 Helena's main purpose in giving the interview is to...

A suggest new ways of dealing with problems.

B explain the reasons for her choice of career.

C encourage more students to apply for the course.

D provide general information about her area of expertise.

jest zadaniem numer 340843 ze wszystkich rozwiązanych w naszym serwisie zadań i pochodzi z książki o tytule ViSiON 4. Student's Book, która została wydana w roku 2020.

Zadanie zweryfikowane przez pracownika serwisu

Rozwiązanie tego zadania przygotował nauczyciel

Bogumiła Krzysicka
zobacz profil

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego klas I - IV LO / Technikum Na moich zajęciach, staram się przekazywać swoje doświadczenia z podróży np. opowiadając o kulturze i tradycjach różnych krajów.

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Rok wydania





Helen Casey, Michael Duckworth

