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Choose the correct linkers to complete the essay. Sometimes, more than one answer is correct.

Experts say there are about 6,500 different languages spoken in the world today. Huge amounts of money and time are spent on learning and translation, so it is not surprising that some people believe life would be simpler if we all spoke the same language. 1For example / However, many other people feel that language is an essential part of identity and that having just one language would damage individual cultures.

2 On the one hand / On the other hand, there are some good arguments for the idea of a single global language. 3 Secondly / Firstly, for politicians and business people, there would be no barriers to communication and doing business would be easier and cheaper. 4 For instance / To sum up, governments and international companies would not have to spend large sums of money on translation or multi-lingual staff. 5 Secondly / Thirdly, a single world language would probably be good for tourism. 6 For example / For instance,tourists would feel safer overseas and be more comfortable visiting certain countries if they knew they could communicate easily.

7 On the one hand / On the other hand, there are several important arguments against a single global language. 8 First of all / However, a nation's language is a significant part of its culture and character. For example, when Poland was occupied by other countries in the past, the Polish language helped people preserve their identity and traditions. 9 For instance /Furthermore, many people get pleasure, satisfaction and even income from studying, using and teaching different languages. For them, a single global language would not be an advantage. 10 In conclusion / Finally, although there are some reasonable arguments for the idea of a single world language, it is hard to imagine it could ever happen. 11 Personally, I think / In my opinion, if there ever was a single language, the world would be a far less interesting and varied place.

Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook Ćwiczenie 4 strona 68

Experts say there are about 6,500 different languages spoken in
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Choose the correct linkers to complete the essay. Sometimes, more than one answer is correct.

Experts say there are about 6,500 different languages spoken in the world today. Huge amounts of money and time are spent on learning and translation, so it is not surprising that some people believe life would be simpler if we all spoke the same language. 1For example / However, many other people feel that language is an essential part of identity and that having just one language would damage individual cultures.

2 On the one hand / On the other hand, there are some good arguments for the idea of a single global language. 3 Secondly / Firstly, for politicians and business people, there would be no barriers to communication and doing business would be easier and cheaper. 4 For instance / To sum up, governments and international companies would not have to spend large sums of money on translation or multi-lingual staff. 5 Secondly / Thirdly, a single world language would probably be good for tourism. 6 For example / For instance,tourists would feel safer overseas and be more comfortable visiting certain countries if they knew they could communicate easily.

7 On the one hand / On the other hand, there are several important arguments against a single global language. 8 First of all / However, a nation's language is a significant part of its culture and character. For example, when Poland was occupied by other countries in the past, the Polish language helped people preserve their identity and traditions. 9 For instance /Furthermore, many people get pleasure, satisfaction and even income from studying, using and teaching different languages. For them, a single global language would not be an advantage. 10 In conclusion / Finally, although there are some reasonable arguments for the idea of a single world language, it is hard to imagine it could ever happen. 11 Personally, I think / In my opinion, if there ever was a single language, the world would be a far less interesting and varied place.

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Nauczyciel języka angielskiego I - IV LO / Technikum Jego zajęcia charakteryzują się dużą interaktywnością i angażują uczniów do aktywnego uczestnictwa w procesie nauczania. Mateusz skupia się na rozwijaniu umiejętności językowych swoich uczniów, takich jak mówienie, słuchanie, czytanie oraz pisanie.

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Daniel Brayshaw, Dean Russell



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