Wybór strony:

Read the task below. Then read the email and choosethe correct verbs.

You received the following message from a friend.

Hi Sam,

U OK? I've read that book you lent me. You're right-it's excellent! Unfortunately, however, I'm a bit sad at the moment . I hurt my back a few days ago and the doctor told me I need to stay in bed. Why is that bad?Because there's a school trip to Marburg Castle this weekend and I planned to take photographs and write about it on my blog. Now I have to lie in bed and do nothing. I can't read all the time -any ideas about what else I can do?

Speak soon!


Write a personal email with a reply. Include and develop these points:

·Express sympathy for your friend's situation.

·Offer some advice based on your own experience.

·Change the subject and share some news aboutyour life.

·Reassure your friend at the end of the email.


A Sorry to hear about your bad back. B1Must/Might be horrible to be stuck in bed all day. I 2had/would have a similar problem last year when I 3used to break / broke my ankle. How did you hurt yourself? You 4 might have lifted/might lift something too heavy, perhaps?

Anyway, I 5 understand / am understanding how boring it can be and I remember how active you 6 used to be/would be, so it's even harder to do nothing every day. Why don't you download some audio books? I 7did /had done this last year. C Much better than reading to yourself all the time!

By the way, I'm visiting Książ Castle in Wałbrzych with my parents next month. D Want to join us? I'm sure you'll be back on your feet by then and we can 8 pick you up/put you up on our way there and 9 hold you up / drop you off on the way back. No problem. E Would be great to have you come along!


.F Pleased you liked the book. G Will recommend something else next time I write;-)

Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook Ćwiczenie 6 strona 41

Hi,A Sorry to hear about your bad back. B1 Must
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Zadanie o treści:

Read the task below. Then read the email and choosethe correct verbs.

You received the following message from a friend.

Hi Sam,

U OK? I've read that book you lent me. You're right-it's excellent! Unfortunately, however, I'm a bit sad at the moment . I hurt my back a few days ago and the doctor told me I need to stay in bed. Why is that bad?Because there's a school trip to Marburg Castle this weekend and I planned to take photographs and write about it on my blog. Now I have to lie in bed and do nothing. I can't read all the time -any ideas about what else I can do?

Speak soon!


Write a personal email with a reply. Include and develop these points:

·Express sympathy for your friend's situation.

·Offer some advice based on your own experience.

·Change the subject and share some news aboutyour life.

·Reassure your friend at the end of the email.


A Sorry to hear about your bad back. B1Must/Might be horrible to be stuck in bed all day. I 2had/would have a similar problem last year when I 3used to break / broke my ankle. How did you hurt yourself? You 4 might have lifted/might lift something too heavy, perhaps?

Anyway, I 5 understand / am understanding how boring it can be and I remember how active you 6 used to be/would be, so it's even harder to do nothing every day. Why don't you download some audio books? I 7did /had done this last year. C Much better than reading to yourself all the time!

By the way, I'm visiting Książ Castle in Wałbrzych with my parents next month. D Want to join us? I'm sure you'll be back on your feet by then and we can 8 pick you up/put you up on our way there and 9 hold you up / drop you off on the way back. No problem. E Would be great to have you come along!


.F Pleased you liked the book. G Will recommend something else next time I write;-)

jest zadaniem numer 348818 ze wszystkich rozwiązanych w naszym serwisie zadań i pochodzi z książki o tytule Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook, która została wydana w roku 2019.

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Rozwiązanie tego zadania przygotował nauczyciel

Mateusz Ziołek
zobacz profil

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego I - IV LO / Technikum Jego zajęcia charakteryzują się dużą interaktywnością i angażują uczniów do aktywnego uczestnictwa w procesie nauczania. Mateusz skupia się na rozwijaniu umiejętności językowych swoich uczniów, takich jak mówienie, słuchanie, czytanie oraz pisanie.

Czy wiesz, że?

Mateusz Ziołek posiada 1422 rozwiązanych zadań w naszym serwisie

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Daniel Brayshaw, Dean Russell



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