Wybór strony:

Complete the dialogues with the verbs from Exercise 7 in the correct form.

1 Rudi: The new superhero film comes out on Thursday. Do you want to go to the Arizona Cinema with me and George to watch it? We've got an extra ticket.

Claud: Sure.What time should I... up at the cinema?

Rudi: Be there at 6:30 and we can grab a coffee first, OK?

2 Beckie :Next week is the last lesson of our singing course. Are you going to a:.. up for the next level?

Vilma: I don't think l'll b:... on with my career as a vocalist, to be honest. I'm not good enough.

Beckie: Oh, come on! If Leonard Cohen could sing, you certainly can!

3 Daniel: I can't believe I came last in the TV talent show. How embarrassing. Was I really that bad?Will the feeling of being a complete loser ever a:... off?

Rebecca: Of course it will. Don't b:.. yourself up about it. You were much better than some of the other people.

4 Maja: Hi, Joe. Listen, I'm a:... on a show at school and I'm looking for some people to act on stage. It's nothing too complicated and you won't need to say anything.

Joe:Oh,I don't know. That kind of thing isn't for me. I'd probably b:... something up and fall over or something.

Maja :Hmm. OK. Well, I thought I'd ask.

Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook Ćwiczenie 8 strona 89

Rudi: The new superhero film comes out on Thursday. Do
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Complete the dialogues with the verbs from Exercise 7 in the correct form.

1 Rudi: The new superhero film comes out on Thursday. Do you want to go to the Arizona Cinema with me and George to watch it? We've got an extra ticket.

Claud: Sure.What time should I... up at the cinema?

Rudi: Be there at 6:30 and we can grab a coffee first, OK?

2 Beckie :Next week is the last lesson of our singing course. Are you going to a:.. up for the next level?

Vilma: I don't think l'll b:... on with my career as a vocalist, to be honest. I'm not good enough.

Beckie: Oh, come on! If Leonard Cohen could sing, you certainly can!

3 Daniel: I can't believe I came last in the TV talent show. How embarrassing. Was I really that bad?Will the feeling of being a complete loser ever a:... off?

Rebecca: Of course it will. Don't b:.. yourself up about it. You were much better than some of the other people.

4 Maja: Hi, Joe. Listen, I'm a:... on a show at school and I'm looking for some people to act on stage. It's nothing too complicated and you won't need to say anything.

Joe:Oh,I don't know. That kind of thing isn't for me. I'd probably b:... something up and fall over or something.

Maja :Hmm. OK. Well, I thought I'd ask.

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Mateusz Ziołek
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Nauczyciel języka angielskiego I - IV LO / Technikum Jego zajęcia charakteryzują się dużą interaktywnością i angażują uczniów do aktywnego uczestnictwa w procesie nauczania. Mateusz skupia się na rozwijaniu umiejętności językowych swoich uczniów, takich jak mówienie, słuchanie, czytanie oraz pisanie.

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Daniel Brayshaw, Dean Russell



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