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Read and complete the discussion between a teacher and two students. The first letters are given.

T: OK, so tell me what you think about these three posters. Which one should we display on the school notice board?

S1:Well,the three posters illustrate the importance of recycling rubbish at school. Poster 1i... fine b... it's very simple and the picture is quite basic, so some students might not notice it. It might be better to have something more eye-catching. Pictures 2 and 3 2a... m.... attractive t... the first one and they would both be easier to notice from a distance or quickly as you are walking past. I think the 3 b... o... w....be poster 2 because it's the brightest and most colourful.

S2: Personally, I 4w.. g... f... poster 2 because I think it's a bit too childish. It looks like it would be better fora junior school or even a kindergarten. I like the third picture 5b... f... two. Firstly, because the design is really attractive and appealing to teenagers 6a... s... b... it has a very memorable message.I think everyone will remember this rhyming phrase and the reference to basketball makes recycling sound like a cool thing to do. Lots of people are lazy when it comes to recycling, but actually it's a really easy way to live a greener life.

S1: Yes, I guess you're right. OK, so, 7o... of t.. t... posters, we would choose poster 3.

T: Great, so let's go for number 3. I'll order some more and we'll put them on the notice boards and next to the recycling bins when they are ready. Thanks for your help.

Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook Ćwiczenie 1 strona 70

T: OK, so tell me what you think about these
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Read and complete the discussion between a teacher and two students. The first letters are given.

T: OK, so tell me what you think about these three posters. Which one should we display on the school notice board?

S1:Well,the three posters illustrate the importance of recycling rubbish at school. Poster 1i... fine b... it's very simple and the picture is quite basic, so some students might not notice it. It might be better to have something more eye-catching. Pictures 2 and 3 2a... m.... attractive t... the first one and they would both be easier to notice from a distance or quickly as you are walking past. I think the 3 b... o... w....be poster 2 because it's the brightest and most colourful.

S2: Personally, I 4w.. g... f... poster 2 because I think it's a bit too childish. It looks like it would be better fora junior school or even a kindergarten. I like the third picture 5b... f... two. Firstly, because the design is really attractive and appealing to teenagers 6a... s... b... it has a very memorable message.I think everyone will remember this rhyming phrase and the reference to basketball makes recycling sound like a cool thing to do. Lots of people are lazy when it comes to recycling, but actually it's a really easy way to live a greener life.

S1: Yes, I guess you're right. OK, so, 7o... of t.. t... posters, we would choose poster 3.

T: Great, so let's go for number 3. I'll order some more and we'll put them on the notice boards and next to the recycling bins when they are ready. Thanks for your help.

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Mateusz Ziołek
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Nauczyciel języka angielskiego I - IV LO / Technikum Jego zajęcia charakteryzują się dużą interaktywnością i angażują uczniów do aktywnego uczestnictwa w procesie nauczania. Mateusz skupia się na rozwijaniu umiejętności językowych swoich uczniów, takich jak mówienie, słuchanie, czytanie oraz pisanie.

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Daniel Brayshaw, Dean Russell



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