Wybór strony:

Look at the recording extract. Put questions 1-4 ingaps A-D.

So, why did you take up windsurfing?

1 What other water sports did you do?

2 Are your mum and your cousin still your role models?

3 Was your cousin a good windsurfer?

4 Who inspired you?

Extract from Students' Book recording (1)1.24

P: First of all, congratulations Jackie. Last month you became the world under eighteen windsurfing champion!

J: Yes, that's right. Thank you.

P: So ,why did you take up windsurfing? A...?

J: Two people really: my mum and my cousin, Rachel.I first 1... windsurfing with my mum. We lived near the sea, and we spent every summer on the beach. My mum had entered windsurfing competitions when she was a teenager. She2... anything, but she really enjoyed it. She started to 3... me windsurfing as soon as I could swim [...].I was only about 7 years old. My cousin Rachel was there too. She and her family lived near us. My mum gave us both lessons together. Rachel's two years older than me and I've always looked up to her. I still do.

P: B....?

J: Yes, but she was good at a wide range of sports. [...] She was a really good example for me- I wanted to be sporty like her.

P: So you grew up near the sea. C...?

J: All sorts. At first, windsurfing wasn't my favourite thing. I liked other water sports like swimming and sailing. Rachel talked me into 4... a children's sailing club. We 5... all our weekends there, even in winter. We did lots of sailing, and then Rachel thought we should try out rowing. I wasn't sure about rowing at first, [...] but my mum thought it was a good idea. Now I'm glad I did it because it made my arms strong, and that helped my windsurfing.[...]

P: D...?

J: Yes, definitely. I think I take after my mum-I hope I have some of the same qualities anyway .And Rachel is like a big sister to me.

Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook Ćwiczenie 1 strona 21

P: So, why did you take up windsurfing? A: Who
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Look at the recording extract. Put questions 1-4 ingaps A-D.

So, why did you take up windsurfing?

1 What other water sports did you do?

2 Are your mum and your cousin still your role models?

3 Was your cousin a good windsurfer?

4 Who inspired you?

Extract from Students' Book recording (1)1.24

P: First of all, congratulations Jackie. Last month you became the world under eighteen windsurfing champion!

J: Yes, that's right. Thank you.

P: So ,why did you take up windsurfing? A...?

J: Two people really: my mum and my cousin, Rachel.I first 1... windsurfing with my mum. We lived near the sea, and we spent every summer on the beach. My mum had entered windsurfing competitions when she was a teenager. She2... anything, but she really enjoyed it. She started to 3... me windsurfing as soon as I could swim [...].I was only about 7 years old. My cousin Rachel was there too. She and her family lived near us. My mum gave us both lessons together. Rachel's two years older than me and I've always looked up to her. I still do.

P: B....?

J: Yes, but she was good at a wide range of sports. [...] She was a really good example for me- I wanted to be sporty like her.

P: So you grew up near the sea. C...?

J: All sorts. At first, windsurfing wasn't my favourite thing. I liked other water sports like swimming and sailing. Rachel talked me into 4... a children's sailing club. We 5... all our weekends there, even in winter. We did lots of sailing, and then Rachel thought we should try out rowing. I wasn't sure about rowing at first, [...] but my mum thought it was a good idea. Now I'm glad I did it because it made my arms strong, and that helped my windsurfing.[...]

P: D...?

J: Yes, definitely. I think I take after my mum-I hope I have some of the same qualities anyway .And Rachel is like a big sister to me.

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Mateusz Ziołek
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Nauczyciel języka angielskiego I - IV LO / Technikum Jego zajęcia charakteryzują się dużą interaktywnością i angażują uczniów do aktywnego uczestnictwa w procesie nauczania. Mateusz skupia się na rozwijaniu umiejętności językowych swoich uczniów, takich jak mówienie, słuchanie, czytanie oraz pisanie.

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Daniel Brayshaw, Dean Russell



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