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 What are the speakers talking about? Match the words from the box with the sentences below.

Coachella Fisherman's Wharf Lord Byron

Masterchef Spotify The Beatles

The Great Barrier Reef

They're one of the most important rock bands in the history of music, and they made Liverpool famous too! The Beatles

1 The festival takes place in California, usually in the spring. It's very popular. - 

2 I'd love to go there one day. First of all, it's in San Francisco, and secondly -I'd love to see those sealions. - 

3 I really admire those amateurs-they are able to prepare an exotic and delicious dish in just 40minutes! - 

4 I've never been a fan of the Romantic poets, but his poetry speaks to me. - 

5 The colours, the animals, the plants underwater-it's really amazing. - 

Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook Ćwiczenie 2 WIEDZA O KRAJACH ANGLOJĘZYCZNYCH I O POLSCE strona 133

Here are the matched words:The festival takes place in California,
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 What are the speakers talking about? Match the words from the box with the sentences below.

Coachella Fisherman's Wharf Lord Byron

Masterchef Spotify The Beatles

The Great Barrier Reef

They're one of the most important rock bands in the history of music, and they made Liverpool famous too! The Beatles

1 The festival takes place in California, usually in the spring. It's very popular. - 

2 I'd love to go there one day. First of all, it's in San Francisco, and secondly -I'd love to see those sealions. - 

3 I really admire those amateurs-they are able to prepare an exotic and delicious dish in just 40minutes! - 

4 I've never been a fan of the Romantic poets, but his poetry speaks to me. - 

5 The colours, the animals, the plants underwater-it's really amazing. - 

jest zadaniem numer 349724 ze wszystkich rozwiązanych w naszym serwisie zadań i pochodzi z książki o tytule Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook, która została wydana w roku 2019.

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Mateusz Ziołek
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Nauczyciel języka angielskiego I - IV LO / Technikum Jego zajęcia charakteryzują się dużą interaktywnością i angażują uczniów do aktywnego uczestnictwa w procesie nauczania. Mateusz skupia się na rozwijaniu umiejętności językowych swoich uczniów, takich jak mówienie, słuchanie, czytanie oraz pisanie.

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Mateusz Ziołek posiada 1422 rozwiązanych zadań w naszym serwisie

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Daniel Brayshaw, Dean Russell



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