Wybór strony:

Complete the definitions.

a piece of equipment used to record films video camera

1 a word you use to, e.g. access your computer P...d

2 the action you do to send a video online u... d a video

3a website where you can connect with your friends or people with similar interests S... n... s... 

4 a smart, useful and cleverly-designed piece of equipment g...t

5 all the things you bought on the Internet o... p...

6 a message or picture that you publish on a website p...t

7 a set of programs that look for and remove viruses in programs and documents on your computer a... -v... s...e

8 special word or picture on the Internet that you click on to move quickly to another part of this document or to another document l....

9 you do this with sound or video if you play it on your6computer while it is being downloaded from the Internet, rather than saving it onto your computer and playing it later s...m

10 this happens when a picture or video spreads quickly to many people, especially on the Internet or mobile phones g... v...

Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook Ćwiczenie 1 NAUKA I TECHNIKA strona 131

A word you use to, e.g. access your computer: PasswordThe
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Zadanie o treści:

Complete the definitions.

a piece of equipment used to record films video camera

1 a word you use to, e.g. access your computer P...d

2 the action you do to send a video online u... d a video

3a website where you can connect with your friends or people with similar interests S... n... s... 

4 a smart, useful and cleverly-designed piece of equipment g...t

5 all the things you bought on the Internet o... p...

6 a message or picture that you publish on a website p...t

7 a set of programs that look for and remove viruses in programs and documents on your computer a... -v... s...e

8 special word or picture on the Internet that you click on to move quickly to another part of this document or to another document l....

9 you do this with sound or video if you play it on your6computer while it is being downloaded from the Internet, rather than saving it onto your computer and playing it later s...m

10 this happens when a picture or video spreads quickly to many people, especially on the Internet or mobile phones g... v...

jest zadaniem numer 349660 ze wszystkich rozwiązanych w naszym serwisie zadań i pochodzi z książki o tytule Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook, która została wydana w roku 2019.

Zadanie zweryfikowane przez pracownika serwisu

Rozwiązanie tego zadania przygotował nauczyciel

Mateusz Ziołek
zobacz profil

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego I - IV LO / Technikum Jego zajęcia charakteryzują się dużą interaktywnością i angażują uczniów do aktywnego uczestnictwa w procesie nauczania. Mateusz skupia się na rozwijaniu umiejętności językowych swoich uczniów, takich jak mówienie, słuchanie, czytanie oraz pisanie.

Czy wiesz, że?

Mateusz Ziołek posiada 1422 rozwiązanych zadań w naszym serwisie

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Daniel Brayshaw, Dean Russell



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