Wybór strony:

Replace the words in bold with linkers from Exercise 1. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

I was raised by my mother and father and benefited from the influence of them both during my childhood.As far as I am concerned 2 or 4, men and women may provide different things for their children and influence them in different ways,but it is incorrect to suggest that women are better parents than men.

First of all/a... ,it seems to me that in the early years the physical connection between mother and child is often stronger than with the father. This is almost certainly because the woman carried the child inside her for nine months and because she is able to feed the child with her own milk. However, in my view/b... this does not mean she is a better parent. For instance, fathers who hold, bathe, dress and change their babies can also develop strong physical bonds with their children. In addition/c..., many babies are fed from a bottle meaning that a father can feed his child just as well as a mother.

Next,I would like to point out that both parents are equally able to entertain, educate and care for their child as it grows. Often women spend more time with young children because many couples decide that the man will go to work and the woman will stay with the children. However, this does not make the man any worse asa parent. For example/d..., if the woman went to work and the man stayed at home, there is no reason why he could not look after the child just as well as his partner.

Finally/e.. ,men and women are equally able to provide good role models for their children. Of course, it seems logical that girls will learn more about being female from their mother, but the opposite is also probably true. In other words/f..., boys will probably learn more about what it means to be male from their father. In addition, it is almost certainly more important that parents teach their children to be good people, regardless of their gender, and men and women are equally able to do this.

In summary/g.. , I think men and women are equally good at being parents, and I also think that the ideal approach for parents and children is for partners to share the responsibility for raising a family.

Focus 3. Second Edition. Workbook Ćwiczenie 5 strona 110

I was raised by my mother and father and benefited
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Replace the words in bold with linkers from Exercise 1. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

I was raised by my mother and father and benefited from the influence of them both during my childhood.As far as I am concerned 2 or 4, men and women may provide different things for their children and influence them in different ways,but it is incorrect to suggest that women are better parents than men.

First of all/a... ,it seems to me that in the early years the physical connection between mother and child is often stronger than with the father. This is almost certainly because the woman carried the child inside her for nine months and because she is able to feed the child with her own milk. However, in my view/b... this does not mean she is a better parent. For instance, fathers who hold, bathe, dress and change their babies can also develop strong physical bonds with their children. In addition/c..., many babies are fed from a bottle meaning that a father can feed his child just as well as a mother.

Next,I would like to point out that both parents are equally able to entertain, educate and care for their child as it grows. Often women spend more time with young children because many couples decide that the man will go to work and the woman will stay with the children. However, this does not make the man any worse asa parent. For example/d..., if the woman went to work and the man stayed at home, there is no reason why he could not look after the child just as well as his partner.

Finally/e.. ,men and women are equally able to provide good role models for their children. Of course, it seems logical that girls will learn more about being female from their mother, but the opposite is also probably true. In other words/f..., boys will probably learn more about what it means to be male from their father. In addition, it is almost certainly more important that parents teach their children to be good people, regardless of their gender, and men and women are equally able to do this.

In summary/g.. , I think men and women are equally good at being parents, and I also think that the ideal approach for parents and children is for partners to share the responsibility for raising a family.

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Mateusz Ziołek
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Nauczyciel języka angielskiego I - IV LO / Technikum Jego zajęcia charakteryzują się dużą interaktywnością i angażują uczniów do aktywnego uczestnictwa w procesie nauczania. Mateusz skupia się na rozwijaniu umiejętności językowych swoich uczniów, takich jak mówienie, słuchanie, czytanie oraz pisanie.

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Daniel Brayshaw, Dean Russell



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