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Quening In the United Kingdom queuing or standing in line is the norm. People almost always form queues in shops, banks, cinemas and bus stops. ’ Jumping the queue’ or moving in front of other people is considered to be very impolite. The best thing to do is to be patient and ‘get in the queue’. Crossing the road. People expect you to cross roads at the proper place, such as zebra crossings.Most cars stop immediately when they see a pedestrain at a crossing. British drivers do not generally beep their horns but if you cross the road in the wrong place, they do beep their horns and can get angry. Because the british drive on the left you have to remember to look right when you cross the road. The box Telly, TV, or just the box…Different people give it diferent names.But nearly every house has got one.British people spend 171 minutes a day watching television- that’s nearly three hours! The most popular programme is the news.Other popular programmes include reality shows like Big Brother, quiz shows, documentaries about nature, and soaps. Coronation street , A soap opera about life in a town in the north of England,Has been on British TV since the 1960s. Please , Thank you and sorry. Please and thank you are used many times in a conversation in the UK.This is probably why other nationalities say the British are polite.Sorry is used a lot, too. Often when two people bump into each other in the street, they borth say sorry- even if it is crealy one person;s fault. The weather. The weather in England changes often.Bacause of this, one of the most common ways for the weather.At places like bus stops you might hear: ‘Lovely day, isn’t it’ ‘You, it is’ or 'Not a very nice day, is it?' or ‘No, it isn’t’ źródło:

Szkoła: Liceum/Technikum | Przedmiot: Język Angielski

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Quening w Zjednoczonym Królestwie stojącym w kolejce albo stojące w kolejce jest normą. Ludzie prawie zawsze forma stoi w kolejce w sklepach, bankach, kinach i [...]

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Maria Niezgoda
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Maria jest pasjonatką podróży i uwielbia poznawać różne kraje i kultury. Stara się wykorzystać każdą okazję do zwiedzania nowych miejsc i zdobywania nowych doświadczeń.

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Quening In the United Kingdom queuing or standing in line is the norm. People almost always form queues in shops, banks, cinemas and bus stops. ’ Jumping the queue’ or moving in front of other people is considered to be very impolite. The best thing to do is to be patient and ‘get in the queue’. Crossing the road. People expect you to cross roads at the proper place, such as zebra crossings.Most cars stop immediately when they see a pedestrain at a crossing. British drivers do not generally beep their horns but if you cross the road in the wrong place, they do beep their horns and can get angry. Because the british drive on the left you have to remember to look right when you cross the road. The box Telly, TV, or just the box…Different people give it diferent names.But nearly every house has got one.British people spend 171 minutes a day watching television- that’s nearly three hours! The most popular programme is the news.Other popular programmes include reality shows like Big Brother, quiz shows, documentaries about nature, and soaps. Coronation street , A soap opera about life in a town in the north of England,Has been on British TV since the 1960s. Please , Thank you and sorry. Please and thank you are used many times in a conversation in the UK.This is probably why other nationalities say the British are polite.Sorry is used a lot, too. Often when two people bump into each other in the street, they borth say sorry- even if it is crealy one person;s fault. The weather. The weather in England changes often.Bacause of this, one of the most common ways for the weather.At places like bus stops you might hear: ‘Lovely day, isn’t it’ ‘You, it is’ or 'Not a very nice day, is it?' or ‘No, it isn’t’ źródło:

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