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When you went abroad, you took out health insurance. During the trip, you had health problems and received medical care. Unfortunately, the insurance agency has not fulfilled the contract, in your opinion. Write a letter to the insurer with a complaint explaining why you are not satisfied with their services and propose solutions that will improve the quality of insurance offered to customers.

Szkoła: Liceum/Technikum | Przedmiot: Język Angielski

Rozwiązanie zadania:

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date] [Insurance Company Name] [Claims Department] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [...]
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Tomasz Sobek
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Tomasz interesuje się astronomią i przestrzenią kosmiczną. Stara się edukować swoich uczniów na temat kosmosu i układu słonecznego oraz wykorzystuje te tematy jako narzędzie dydaktyczne podczas swoich zajęć.

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Autorem rozwiązania zadania

When you went abroad, you took out health insurance. During the trip, you had health problems and received medical care. Unfortunately, the insurance agency has not fulfilled the contract, in your opinion. Write a letter to the insurer with a complaint explaining why you are not satisfied with their services and propose solutions that will improve the quality of insurance offered to customers.

jest Tomasz Sobek. To zadanie dotyczy przedmiotu Język Angielski dla podstawy programowej w Liceum/Technikum

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